Discover Data volunteers
Discover Data volunteers have the unique power to inspire awareness and interest around 21st century careers that use data to make the world a better place. The volunteer component of this program provides students with a first-hand connection to what’s possible as they understand and apply steps in the data science process to problems that interest them. Discover Data’s Volunteer resources are designed to equip our community of data professionals with everything they need to make their classroom visit a success and inspire tomorrow’s leaders with the power of data.
Nielsen volunteer login
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Volunteer resources
Volunteer guide
Introduction letter
Volunteer webinar
Find a classroom
Once you have reviewed the training resources on Discover Data, use the “Find a classroom” tool to connect local educators in your community.
Virtually connect with a data expert
Give students firsthand insight into the ways data is innovating the world around them by facilitating a dynamic data-driven learning session with a real-world data expert.