Asking questions and following your curiosity are great ways to unpack the endless possibilities of data. Connect with a real-world volunteer Data Expert today to answer your questions about data and related careers. Submit your question below, and we’ll do our best to post an answer from one of our volunteers.

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Excited to learn more about what data is? Want to solve a problem using a data-driven approach? Curious about 21st Century careers in data and the skills to build? Ask away! Volunteer Data Experts will select original questions to be answered based on relevance to data topics and wider applicability.
Explore data questions & answers
Review questions and answers submitted by educators and data-curious community members from all over the country.
Submitted question:
What is your definition of “Data”?
Everything can be a datapoint! It's just information. The important part is to verify and critically evaluate the data as part of the interpretation and before acting on that information.
Submitted question:
Do you consider the word ”data” to be plural or singular?
It's supposed to be plural but I use it as singular most of the time!
Submitted question:
What is a large global problem that data helps to solve?
As a data person, I want to say that it can help with all global problems, but the reality is that it’s not the data alone that solves a problem. It's people. Problems are solved by people collecting, analyzing, interpreting and thinking critically about data, and also being willing to listen to others' interpretations of the data.
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What does “data analysis” mean?
Data analysis is the conversion of raw information that has been collected into digestible insights that can help answer a question.
Submitted question:
What does “data analysis” mean?
Data analysis involves extracting information from data so that we can derive insights from it.
Submitted question:
How do you use math skills in your daily work?
Data science is all about mathematics. It is important to understand statistical concepts to interpret and report results. Algebra forms the basis for almost all of the machine learning algorithms that are in use today, and to understand why a model is behaving the way it is, you need both algebra and statistics.
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How do you use communication skills in your daily work?
Verbal and written communication skills are critical for sharing pertinent information with others in a way that they can understand it.
Submitted question:
Why is creativity important?
Creative problem solving is incredibly important for identifying problems to be solved, coming up with solutions and then testing the solutions.
Submitted question:
What are some ways that data is kept safe?
Files with personal data can be kept safe by controlling "who" can access the file; only give access to people with a valid reason to see or use the personal data. Always use a secure connection when working with personal data. And use wi-fi that is password protected when working with apps that access your personal data.
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How can data help us understand our environment better?
Data collected around weather and climate patterns can help forecast potential inclement weather and allow countries and people to make the necessary preparations.
Submitted question:
How can people protect their personal data?
When you are online, stop and think: “How would I feel if my family, boss, or college admissions person saw this?”. Sharing too much of your personal information might not always be best. Avoid posting any identity information that may allow a hacker to guess your security questions. Assume your posts will be available forever. Anything you post has the potential to be viewed, copied, forwarded or shared with anyone, not just your friends. Own your online presence and look after your personal data.
Read MoreSubmitted question:
What is your definition of “Data”?
Data is information that has been collected about a certain behavior or action but has not yet been analyzed.

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Ready to take your real-world data explorations to the next level in class? If you are a teacher or afterschool program leader, you can request a visit with a Data Expert to bring hands-on interactive learning into any environment. Schedule a virtual classroom visit tailored to your students’ needs and curriculum.